Might as well get to that one, hey? I’ve been avoiding it, I will admit. This is not pleasant to talk about, and it seems I do it all the time…Not that I’m complaining. Usually how it happens is that people will ask me how I’m doing. When I respond with “fine”, I usually end up getting more questions aimed at me, questions that normally have to do with eating disorders. Anorexia, my rituals and habits, what I eat, how I eat, how much I eat, etc. Yes, it can get tiring, but it means people are learning. When they ask questions like “So what is that doing to your organs?” I know that my answer is helping them learn about something in our society that simply has not gotten enough air time and has most definitely been put to the wayside when it comes to understanding what this monster is, and what it’s all about. I feel the same way about any other illness. We can’t make quick judgement, or any judgement at all until we know some true, straight facts about what is going on in that person’s life at that point in time. None of that bullshit thinking we’ve got this shit figured out because we saw something on TV or on Dr.Phil or some shit like that. It’s important to know what’s going on out there, and trust me, the people burdened with such illnesses may probably not only appreciate the fact that you are interested in learning about how they must live their life, but will likely be pretty pumped that you are willing to learn and understand their disorder as a whole. You’re educating yourself. It’s a good thing.
Anyway, I figured I would maybe do a day in the life
type thing here. What I need you to understand is that I am nearing the shit
storm of my recovery (if I have not made it there in a handbasket already).
This is the point in therapy where most people drop out, and I understand it. I
mean, this is a fucking nightmare, I am not going to lie. I can’t count how
many times a day I want to give up, or play in traffic, or throw my plate
across the room and yell “I QUIT”. I can’t count, but I know that it’s a lot. I
don’t quit though, for several reasons:
A)If I relapse, it’ll just make the overall process longer, more painful, and far more annoying
B)My friends and family will be very, very sad
C)I will be very, very sad
D)I will have to start over. Doing this once is plenty enough for me, thank you.
What I think I’m going to do is take you through a
day. Not a good day, not a bad day, just… A day. The bad days are really
fucking bad, I won’t even begin to describe it here. Like… Friday was a bad
day. It involved tears, strong words, yelling, and screaming (and I mean
screaming). I cried, mom cried, we both just kind of broke down. It happens, and
it’s going to happen. But it’s like a game… I’ve got to keep my eye on the
prize, that prize is good health, eventual happiness…My life back. I miss it. I
don’t want to seem complainy, but I miss being confident, self-assured…Happy.
End bullshit gushy moment. Back to business.
– Awaken
(this is negotiable. I don’t sleep much, maybe 20 minutes at a time, so my wake
up time is usually far before this, I just lie awake for most of it, until the
sun starts to peek in). Wish I was dead. Look at clock, decide I might aswell
get the day started so I can get it over with. Look at my list of things to do
that day. This list includes things I’ve written down that can keep my mind
busy. It also includes times for when I am going to eat (remember, I am still eating
mechanically, as I don’t really get hungry at all) and what I am going to eat
that day. Shudder. It’s probably an increase day, or maybe I’m just shuddering
for the fact that I’m fucking tired of stuffing my gullet with food (at least,
that’s how it seems). Roll out of bed, do something with rat’s nest that is my
hair, weigh self.
Frown at scale
Weigh self again. Feel fat. Dismiss thoughts of
cutting out breakfast or snacks that day. Weigh self again. Accept whatever number I see, remind myself that my
relationship with gravity means shit all, and that my body needs to retain
water in order to repair itself (I will probably gain at least 5 pounds in
order for my heart to even begin to fix itself, it’s mind blowing), so I can’t
possibly be getting fat. Go downstairs. Sit. Read.Wait.
– Alarm
goes off. Time to eat the first half of my breakfast (large meals are
impossible, so I often find myself splitting them into bits). Awesome. Roll
eyes and haul self out of chair. At this point I’m probably wrapped in one or
two blankets with the heat jacked. Before I can think about it I grab a piece
of fruit and a nutrient shake. Consume. Feel disgusted with self. Fight urge to
vomit. Tell ED to fuck off, this is what’s making me better and I have to do this, I have no choice.
Return to chair, family is getting up by now.
Alarm goes off. Fuck sakes. I don’t want to do this again. Prepare second part
of breakfast. Usually some eggwhites, yogurt and a slice of toast (which I’ve
started adding butter to). A family member is usually ready to eat with me if
it’s the weekend, so that makes things easier. They talk to me throughout the
meal, so I can take my mind off of ED, the food, the feelings of self-loathing
and disgust. Now that my brother is off of school for the break, he often joins
me. We get to spend some time together. It’s nice.
Consume meal. Fight urge to vomit or weigh self. Pop
gum in mouth. Chew. Forget. Wait.
Between this time and lunch I do whatever I can to
occupy my time. I clean, read, do laundry, blog, do yoga, sometimes I’ll run
errands but with it getting really crowded in stores and with my new found
social anxiety since becoming sick that has been happening less and less. I
often go for a walk if it isn’t too cold out, sometimes I go to school with
mama to help her out with the kids.
– Alarm
goes off. Slap forehead. Fucking lunch time already. OK, fine. Stomp to
kitchen, bring book or magazine if no one is home to eat with. Lately I’ve been
preparing food in advance for lunch so when this time of day comes I can
actively see there has been food prepared so |I’m less likely to skip it. It’s
just a matter of heating it up and eating it. This makes things a hell of a lot
easier. Food prep is a nightmare. Usually my lunch consists of something almond
milk and oatmeal based. Lately, to get essential fats in my diet I’ve been
brave and have started adding nut butters. A tofu protein shake often
accompanies this meal.
Settle at table. Push away guilt and shame. Consume.
Fight urge to vomit or weigh self. Tell ED you’re winning. Chew some gum. Wait.
My family starts arriving home around this time, so
at least I have things to do, people to talk to. I had been saving my Christmas
wrapping to occupy my time during these hours. Sometimes I have a small snack
in the afternoon, like veggies and dip, or a yogurt. It all depends on what time
dinner will be that evening.
– Alarm
goes off. OK. Let’s do this thing. Usually I cook something with mom. We often
eat the same thing, which makes me feel pretty included. I try to eat with my
family as much as possible, so dinner time is usually the prime time for that.
Dinner usually consists of a grain (rice, couscous, quinoa), veggies and an
animal protein (normally poultry or fish).
Take a deep breath. Consume. Harv High fives me. I’m
Winning. Stay focused.
Sometimes mom and I go to yoga, depending on what
day of the week it is. Often times I see a good friend of mine. We watch movies
and we spend time together … time AWAY from ED (he’s a wonderful friend, truly.
I’m seriously thankful that we met).
or so – no
alarm goes off, but I’ve been watching the time. One more snack to go, and
you’ve got this day licked. Grab an apple and pop a small bag of popcorn.
Consume. Smile. No more food until tomorrow.
You did it.
I shower. For the remainder of the night I lie
awake, or sleep in 20 minute intervals. Often the stomach pain that has been
bothering me all day is getting worse by now. The poor fucker has been working
itself ragged all day digesting food that ED doesn’t want there. Sometimes I’m
in so much pain I can do nothing but curl up in bed. Other times it’s
tolerable. What I’ve outlined for you was probably a better day than most. The
bad days, as I’ve mentioned, I don’t even want to think about. It’s horrid.
There is so much self hate, so much fear. I mean, today I put on a pair of
pants that fit me and promptly felt as if I was a fat cow. I guess it’s because
I’ve been wearing yoga pants for the past 3 or 4 days and wearing denim that fit felt a little different. Either way,
Stupid thoughts like that go through my head all the time. Especially when
“You don’t need that”, “that’s going to make you
fat”, “you slob, what if someone saw what you were doing right now?” (i.e.:
eating food), “you’re ruining all of our hard work”, “you are a failure”.
The torment is endless. But yet, I eat. I work
through it. I clean every bit of food off of my plate, because right now, every
calorie counts toward getting better. Many times I’ll look at Mom and say “Do I
have to?” before gesturing to my food. At times I disgust myself, but these
thoughts are quickly stamped down. I can be a rational being. I can separate
myself from ED.
I often think about it this way. ED is my head. I am
my body. When I eat, it’s like they sit on either end of the table where my
rational self is forced to sit in the center like a child between two
dysfunctional parents. This fight is WORTH IT. It has to be. That’s what I keep
reminding myself. This hurricane I live through every day, it’s going to go
away sometime in the future. I will be a healthy individual, inside and out.
It’s going to take a long ass time, but I’ve got some sort of strength I find
in tiny places at just the right time.
few days later…
It’s been a few days since I’ve started this post,
and I’m revisiting it because I needed to take a step back. Things got bad, and
I needed to get away from ED, get away from my own head, and get away from the
torment. It doesn’t all go, but I can keep myself busy enough to push it back
for a little while. I am so determined for this shit to get going that I would
pretty much do anything for a guaranteed crack at ultimate awesomeness and a
look at my future recovered self. Since starting this post I have had many
strong days (save for yesterday, where many tears were shed over food and I
failed to meet my caloric intake for the day. That and the fact I would have
been begging for that knife if you gave me the choice between eating and
amputating my own arm ). I will consume 1750 calories today if all goes well
(meaning that I can force every last morsel into my mouth through ED’s constant
barrage of negativity). I’m almost at the low end of a normal caloric intake,
and it’s terrifying. I got hungry for meals a few times. That was scary too. It
was the first time in a very VERY long time that I responded to hunger signals
with food rather than exercise, or a distraction in order to starve and get
that high I had been waiting for. It was a big step. The pain should start to
subside soon… I haven’t lost weight, I haven’t gained weight… I’m fluctuating 5
lbs overnight. All of this water/repair weight is frustrating, but I’ve just
got to let it be. This is going to be the norm for a while. The daunting thing,
however, is knowing that I must eat to maintain weight, then on top of that eat
to start bodily repair and eventually to GAIN weight. I can’t wrap my head
around it. Not yet, anyway.
I still don’t know what I’m going to do about
Christmas. I’ll get to work on that survival post. Probably today, considering
I’ve devoured yet another novel and I’m out of things to read (being able to
read for pleasure only twice a year blows, so during breaks, novels become a
regular thing. By regular I mean I spend almost every waking moment fucking
So there you have it. A look into what I go through
on a daily basis. It isn’t the same for everyone, but this is my story, so I
guess that’s what you’re all stuck with for the time being, at least till I
start writing about issues that irk me again (most recently a children’s book
entitled “Maggie Goes on a Diet”).
Stay strong, keep kicking ass, and Happy Holidays.
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